The Withywindle Nature Blog coyotes,tracking NaBloPoMo, Day 10 and a Coyote Track

NaBloPoMo, Day 10 and a Coyote Track

Day 10 seems to be my downfall.  In looking back at my past NaBloPoMo attements, it’s right around day 10 that things fall apart.  So far, so good – I’m still here!

Unrelatedly, here’s a photo I took yesterday of a coyote track.  I was in the middle of a challenge/adventure program and couldn’t take much more than 2 minutes to check these tracks out and make observations, but what I got on (very) short time was a big coywolf (another term for eastern coyotes, which have wolf DNA, making the term coywolf pretty apt) potentially following deer tracks that were going from open fields (food source) to pine/mixed hardwood forest (food and cover). One of the biggest sets of tracks I’ve ever encountered (standard-sized key next to one of the tracks for scale – I really was short on time…)

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