
I came across the Rowdy Kittens blog yesterday (love it!), and found my desire for living a more simple existence rekindled. Our family works hard to stay away from mainstream culture in many respects, and to live as close to the earth as we can. It seems that we’ve strayed a bit over the past few years; the demands of my current job are a big contributor.

Although I don’t think we’re quite ready to pull up stakes and live in a 400 square foot house (although I admire the folks that do), we are putting some serious effort this long weekend into de-cluttering our house.  Our family of four with a large dog, cat and home business that requires physical inventory is currently living in a small (by average standards, anyway) 6-room, 1 bathroom cape.  The 1 bathroom thing is getting old, but otherwise we have all the space we need.  And we’re jettisoning a large amount of books and clothing this weekend which will allow us to get rid of two large pieces of furniture – a bookshelf and a dresser. I’m also hoping to get rid of a beautiful headboard and foot board that’s been taking up space in our basement (too tall for our current bedroom), and either move another stored piece of furniture (rocking chair) to our living quarters, or get rid of it. My oldest son is getting nervous as I eye stuff to purge – he’s worried that his books and toys are next.  I assured him that that’s a project for another weekend.  I was only half-joking.

Other projects that we’re undertaking over the next few months are aimed at becoming more self-sustaining and include installing a wood stove in our living room (should be ready for action in another week or two) and raising chickens.  The chicken-thing won’t happen until early spring when I’ve had some time to finish my research and build a coop or tractor.  THAT should be interesting – I’m not much of a builder. Yet.  What efforts have you undertaken to become more self-sustaining or to simplify your existence?  I’m always looking for ideas…

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