The Withywindle Nature Blog blogging We’re Featured on Green Life Buzz!

We’re Featured on Green Life Buzz!

I’m thrilled to announce that the Withywindle Blog is being featured over at Green Life Buzz!  Green Life Buzz is an aggregate website that pulls together green news from all over the web, and posts it on their front page.  What I particularly like about it is they give you direct access to the news source(s). Your first click on a story takes you right to the site that’s written it – thereby exposing you to a range of other blogs and news sites that you might not have known about otherwise.

There’s a batch of different ways to sort through all the compiled info – by date, topic, places, players in the industry and more.  Have a look and see what you think. If you know of a good site that you think should be included you can contact Lee Schwing at:

2 thoughts on “We’re Featured on Green Life Buzz!”

  1. Congrats! That is wonderful! I had another meme called “Thinking Green” but I could get more than a hand full of people to join in about living greener….glad there are those that care..

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